jigl upgrade document. Created: 06/03/2003 Last updated: 10/25/2003 - version 2.0 Upgrading from 1.x to 2.0 ------------------------- 1) If you have a $HOME/.jiglrc file, this will have to be renamed and moved. jigl no longer uses this file. There is now a $HOME/.jigl directory which contains a jigl.opts file as well as a directory for the themes. Your old .jiglrc file can simply be renamed to jigl.opts and put in the $HOME/.jigl directory. The theme directory and the default theme will be created for you when jigl is run. 2) If you run jigl 2.0 on a directory that was previously jiggled with version 1.x, you will need to run jigl with the -ut|--update-templates option. You only need to do this once. If you do not do this jigl will use the template files in your local directory and you will get weird results in the html output. Alternately you can simply remove the index_template, slide_template and info_template files from your local directory. Upgrading from 1.0 to 1.1 ------------------------- The index_template file has changed slightly and will require you to update this file to use the multiple index feature (option -ir). There are two ways to update this file. 1) If you are using the stock index_template you can remove the file from your gallery directories. The new template will automatically be generated when jigl is run again. 2) If all three of your template files are stock you can simply invoke jigl with the -ut option on each of your jigl directories. This will remove your current template files and new ones will be generated automatically. 3) If you have modified your index_template file and don't want to redo your changes to a new template file here is what you can do to incorporate the new features. The following portion of your template should be changed:

The new code should be: